our projects
Wharf of Ouvea
Home > Our projects > Civil engineering projects > Wharf of Ouvea
Project Date :
Project description :
Major building site in the loyalty Islands Province, the wharf of Wadrilla now allows the docking of many boats of all sizes. Arbé mastered the major challenge of logistics and technicality, characteristic of this wharf made up of 3 distinct parts:
- A 170 meters access bridge based on 56 piles of 530 mm diameter and between 12 and 16 meters deep.
- A 1800 m² offshore storage platform, consisting of a 190 ml curtain of AU20 sheet piling, supported by a tie rods bed, a crown beam (150 m3 of concrete) and backfilled with 10 000 m3 of material from local careers.
A main wharf of 110 meters long and 20 wide, on driven piles with 2 RORO ramps (Roll On and Roll Off) on both sides of the structure.
Client :
The Loyalty Islands Province
Worksite supervisor supervisor :
Location :
Wadrilla, Ouvéa Island
Reception date date :
March 2017
Cost of structural works :
2 100 000 000 FCFP
Technical expertise :
Maritime works – wharf
Particularities of the project :
Driven piles, driven sheet piles, mobile concrete mixing station, underwater works, logistics due to an isolated site